-- l I I . , Inductees face activities designed to unify The experience of Induction Week depended solely on which side the student was standing on. Class Two members, inductees who were subject to running around all week carrying notebooks, would define Induction Week as one of the most memorable five days of their college career. "I've been waiting to get in for so long, and I was so excited," sophomore Nathan Brenneman said. "But by Friday night I was ready for the week to be over." On the other side, students who faced Induction Week the year before saw it as an opportunity to observe or to get involved. Senior Dean Holt, who led the Seminole Stomp for the new Seminole members, decided to be a leader in the week's activities. "When I was a pledge two years ago, I knew I wanted to lead the Stomp someday," Holt said. "Being out there with those guys and knowing they were intimidated by me was a powerful feeling." Women's social club Zeta Rho recognized the need for a few changes to their Induction Week Senior Jamie Kulild, Zeta Rho vice president, said that the changes were made to encourage togetherness."Wereallyemphasizedunity building during the week," Kulild said. The demanding schedule and hectic Tri-Kappa junior Ashley Gregory,freshman Jennifer Stacy,senior Sharon Grove,sophonm Tessa Owen and senior Jody McAngus are all smiles atthe culmination of Induction Week. 01 Friday night, inductees received their jerseys and finally gained Class I status. activities of induction week disrupted the normal daily schedule for many pledges. were no daily naps, no ''There sleep, no homework done that "There were no daily naps, no sleep, no homework done that week," freshman Ko Jo Kai inductee Jessica Ray said. "Any extra time was spent with Kojies." week. Ang extra time was spent •-1-h u •• ,, . Wl&J n.OJleS. - Jessica Rag, freshman Both pledges and club members looked back on Induction Week as an experience they would never forget. Any apprehension that built up before that time was quickly forgotten when the pledges received Class One membership Friday night. "I went into this whole experience knowing it was a good group of guys," Brenneman said. "I came out of it with new friends." Freshman Chantel Mabe receives a face full of pie as a Kappa Gamma Epsilon inductee during the club's Silly Olympics on Thursday night of Induction Week. Mabe's goal was to find a Hershey Kiss in the pie without using her hands. Photo by Jennifer Thompson 230 social clubs