Photo by Curtis Seright Benefiting from shared experience, senior Barristers member Mark Ohrenberger discusses the process of getting into law school. Seniors Jamie Hutches, Amanda Killian and Liza Freeman, members of College Republicans, pose in front of the U.S. Capitol. They traveled to Washington, D.C. last summer to learn about national government. embers ce UP 10 ii 'This group is really helpful because it provides a place where you can get with other students who are all planning the next step in political science together." -Senior Shane Randolph "It's [Barristers] the best opportunity that Harding has for people in pre-law that makes the transition easier from undergraduate to law school." - Senior Adam Simpson Photo by Daniel Dubois Sophomore Amy Moffett takes notes during a Debate Team meeting. The team practiced for competitions in the meetings. Sophomore Lauren Honea and senior Eric Welch visit before listening to a guest speaker at a Barristers meeting. The group invited law school professors to speak about what will be expected of the students. political science 209 •,