Devzra Biology students assume leadership Devita, founded in 1987, was intended to provide social time for biology majors and faculty. "It's almost completely run by students," said Jo Goy, biology instructor and Devita sponsor. "The department just tries to keep it running. Devita has ranged from being very active to rather non-active depending on the personality of the student body." Club meetings were a time for discussing journals and new scientific findings. "It was first developed to be a one hour course on Monday evenings. But, this made it move from social time to academic time," Goy said. So, the faculty and students turned it into the departmental club now known as Devita, which means "of life." Devita is also associated with the senior seminar that is a requirement for all biology majors. "It is the social Senior Cyrus Downey works on his capstone project. The computer science club discussed relevant topics in computer technology and planned social events, such as a hiking trip, throughout the year. aspect of our seminar time and is extremely informal," Goy said. Being so closely tied to the senior seminar, most of Devita's members were upperclassmen. However, it was open to all biology majors, including freshmen and sophomores. "There are about 50 active members in Devita," Goy said. "Because it is open to all biology majors, they are all members. There are about 100 biology majors." In addition to its weekly meetings, Devita also challenged GeDanken, the chemistry club, to a softball game. "These students know each other because they are often in the same classes together," Goy said. She said she enjoyed being the sponsor for Devita. She also enjoyed giving the students chances to be leaders. "Students who study science know a lot, but don't often get the time to take leadership positions in their social clubs or otherorganizations," Goy said. "Devita gives them a chance to do the leading for once." -Kira Leigh Photo by Daniel Dubois Spinning his turntable, sophomore Jared Stilwell provides entertainment at a Computer Science Club party. The club planned a trip to Bentonville to tour Wal-Mart's computer center. Dr. Don England, sponsor of GeDanken and distinguished professor of chemistry, grills steaks during a get-together at the beginning of the school year. GeDanken members participated in many activities throughout the year, including the annual softball game against Devita. science 207 .1 I