2001-2002 Yearbook

Enjoying each other's company, senior Chris Dahl, sophomores Lynette Bates and Bethany Whisenant, Dr. David Cole, physical science department chair, and junior Jeff Lewis eat together at GeDanken's annual cookout. The club brought physical science majors together for social time outside of class. /Jevita members "Biology is the only major on campus that gets to study God's creation all day long." -Senior Jamie Kulild "It's great to be able to talk to people about plants, cells and organisms who think it is as interesting as I do." -Senior Melanie Warth an 206 organizations Fa Pho o b Andrea Waters Photo by Daniel Dubois Senior Devita members Jamie Kulild and Mike Deming study a petri dish in the lab. Devita discussed and experimented with new scientific findings at their meetings.