2001-2002 Yearbook

SSHA Professional speakers help students prepare for future The Student Speech and Hearing Association is available for students studying communication disorders. The purpose of the organization is to study current issues and advancements in speech-language pathology and audiology. Harding's SSHA chapter is part of the National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association. SSHA meets twice a month in order to discuss speech-language pathology graduate work and audiology career opportunities. Guest speakers often come from different speech-language pathology career paths to help prepare students for future opportunities and discuss current events. "Student Speech and Hearing Association is opening doors and creating opportunities for me," said Sharon Grove, president for the fall semester. "It makes me feel like an active participant in the current issues pertaining to my field of study." SSHA collected donations to benefit the American Parkinson's Disease Association, which is nationally sponsored by NSSLHA for 2001. As a community service project, SSHA donated paper product supplies to the Sunshine School of Searcy, a school designed to provide education to those with special needs. The Harding University Speech and Hearing Clinic, of which many SSHA members were a part, hosted holiday parties for its clients and a gift exchange for the clinicians. They also donated therapy gifts to HUSHC. "SSHA is a great resource to help get students involved in the SLP field," Grove said. SSHA was constantly working to stay involved and offer support to those entering the SLP field, so that their members would be better prepared for the future. -Cheryl Brand Photo by Andrea Waters Practicing her signing, junior Lora Matthey participates in a Dactylology Club meeting. The organization, open to all interested students, provided a forum for discussion and education about American Sign Language. Senior Monica Murphy, secretary of the Student Speech and Hearing Association, takes notes during a meeting. Meetings were held the first and third Wednesdays of every month. 202 organizations Ava Conley, professor of Spanish, laughs with her students as she teaches a Spanish class. In addition to her responsibilities as a faculty member, Conley also served as the Spanish Club sponsor. Photo by Daniel Dubois