2001-2002 Yearbook

• organ1z ti on s Growth: To expand, to develop, to reach maturity. Growing involves many different phases. As the new gan, new faces flavored the many organizations the Harding campus. All the groups had goals to e this year the best it had ever been. each member came skill and talent that was stored in the group's toolbox to be used when needed. These tools helped form strong ties between students and foundations for each organization to build upon. As well as using their own creativity, students of some organizations had the opportunity to explore the minds of rofe ls. Other organizations used hands-on den ~~ir horizons and expand their ethe~ they entered a national contest or ined students on the Harding campus, these couraged growth in a chosen profession. d teachllf were the themes of other organi- ~ volunteering in the community to travelrld, many Harding students grew in their Organizations Editor