2000-2001 Yearbook

After her ring ceremony, senior Amanda Duncan receives a hug from junior Regena Bullard. Ring ceremonies were a common occurrence on Harding's campus. Photo by Daniel Dubois. While reading a book, freshman Megan Bills covers up with a blanket. Students always found a way to enjoy the atmosphere of the front lawn no matter what the weather was like. Photo by Daniel Dubois. As we look back on this year, we see the physical growth that has occurred around campus. But more important than physical growth is the personal growth that has taken place within each of us. This year, we have toiled through classes, made lifelong friends and traveled the world, and in the end, we gained a deeper understanding of ourselves and God's purpose for us here on earth, which is what the "Harding experience" is all about. Being associated with Harding is a blessing because through this university, we have come to a more extensive knowledge of our Lord, our profession and our friendships. Harding is truly a place that allows everyone who comes in contact with it an opportunity to discover a new perspective. - Rachel McCuiston, editor ~~------------------~~ Closing ~