Men's Intramurals ""1 -- lunior Tim Johnston and senior Will Young are about to meet in a showdown for the sideout. Volleyball was the ast sport played during the fall semester. Photo by Ashlee Johnson. Senior Shane Nesler confronts an opposing team member head-on during a men's intramural football game. The intramural program provided an opportunity for beginners and veterans to play. Photo by Ric Helms. Looking for an opening on the opposing side, sophomore Zac Lambrecht prepares to serve. Intramural games allowed students with different backgrounds to come togetherforfriendlycompetition. Photo by Ashlee Johnson. An intramural basketball player attempts a lay up for two points during a game. Participating in intramural games allowed students to have fun while being competitive. Photo by Ric Helms. ~11~e~n7'~s~I~n~tr~a~rn~u~r~a~l~s ________ ~~ Athletics V