Who's Who Honors 70 Harding Students Who's Who Among Students in American :olleges and Universities is a national )rganization devoted to recognizing seniors ",ho have exhibited outstanding achievements ",hile in college. As a national society, Who's Who ,ncompasses more than 2,300 colleges across :he country, and has for the past 66 years. Only 70 students, that's one and a half percent, were ;elected from the seniors here at Harding for the 2001 school year. According to Dr. Jerome Barnes, director of ;pecial projects, selections are based not only )n academic success, but more importantly on the students' leadership abilities, community 5ervice, extracurricular participation and future potential. Many students believe the award Ryan Cook Rebecca Dahlstrom Julia Davis Rebecca Doran Khristopher Downey Rachel Duffy Katie Edwards Sean Evans Kelli Fager Stephen Finley Shannon Fonville Ciara Gary Danette Gibbs Rachel Grubb Julia Henderson Sarah Hickey Jared Hobby Dustin Howell Melissa Austin Reagan Baber Christina Banks Dustin Bartee Rachel Belcher Nicholas Boone Bill Brandsma Kelly Brown Andrea Cannon Hobby Chapin ~~ __________ ~~V~Vh~o'~s~VV7=h~o ~ Organizations demonstrates teachers' concern and perception of their efforts. "[Being in Who's Who] is such an honor, and it pays off for all the hard woZk you've put in throughout college," senior Julie Sampley said. "It's a humbling award," SA President Matt Milligan said. "Out of so many students here, they chose me. I truly appreciate that." Likewise, other students took the recognition as hope for the future. "Ifeel that the recognition of 'Who's Who' encourages me to take action on our campus," senior Jonathan Singleton said. "It says to me, 'You have made a good start. Now face what's ahead; take your place in leading those coming up behind you.'" Recipients of Who' s Who are featured in the annualeditionof"Who'sWhoAmongStudents in American Universities & Colleges," a biographical volume that is a "nationally respected reference source, valued by college and public libraries, businesses, governmental agencies and students alike," according to the Who's Who brochure. "It's so nice to know that the faculty notices and appreciates its hard-working students," senior Martha Simmons said. "This recognition gives me great confidence in going out to face the world." Those selected for Who's Who this year have displayed tremendous amounts of spirit, leadership and involvement throughout their time at Harding. This honor also encourages students in their Christian walk and future endeavors. - Erin Rembleski