Students gather to watch the 2QOO presidential election and anxiously await the results. The College Republicans campaigned and registered college students in an effort to increase voter turnout in what would be one of the closest races in history. Photo by Michelle Scobba. More than 5,000 people make their way toward the capitol building in Little Rock on Sunday, Jan. 21. This year commemorated the 23rd annual March for Life' and included a speech by Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. Photo by Michelle Scobba. Sophomore Becky Sharp and junior Alva Liimatta, members of Students for Life, smile broadly as they participate in the March for Life. Students for Life upheld the belief that life begins at conception and strove to educate the college community about the value of life and alternative solutions to abortion. Photo by Michelle Scobba. Junior David Baggett takes notes at a College Republicans meeting. Members were actively involved in the 2000 presidential election by supporting their candidate and working the polls on election day. Photo by Daniel Dubois. I College RepublicanS/Students for Life Organizations 199