MUSIC AND ART DEPARTMENTS Art department displays student talent; artists serve community Busy. That's the word that described the art department this year. Whether it was a new display in the art gallery, a field trip or a project, the art department was busy creating, designing and studying art. In human anatomy classes, students had the opportunity to draw and mold the human body . . "You learn to appreciate the beauty of the human body," sophomore Hannah Alexander said. Dr. Don Robinson, professor of art, taught a silversmith class in which the students were able to make jewelry. "We got to work with silver and copper, and we made rings and necklaces," senior KassandraHayniesaid. "You can be as creative as you want. We also learned how to cut stones. It is definitely one of my favorite classes." Student art was displayed in the art gallery, located on the first floor ofthe Mildred Taylor Stevens Memorial Art Center. The exhibits changed every two to four weeks because all seniors were required to have an exhibit. "We have two galleries," Dr. John Keller, chairman of the art department, said. "Four students are exhibiting at one time, so everyone can have an opportunity." The students not only created art on campus, they also used their art as a way to reach 8 Music, Art Departments 164 ____--'--__ ...L----;_ _=__ Academics Did You Know... Paul Pitt, professor of art, lives jn an underground home. He said only one side of the house is exposed and it is mostly windows. He and his family have lived in what he calls his "cave" for 13 years. out and help others in the community. Beverly Austin's art for the elementary class invited the Sunshine School to class one day, taught them an art lesson and saved their art work to study. "This is a phenomenal thing to do, and it is a very moving experience for the students," Austin said. Members of Kappa Pi, the national art association, also sponsored the White County art show, which allowed high school students to present their art and receive awards. The art department also reached out to people in other parts the world. Keller said the art department helped create the plans for the building of the Nanwianga Rural Health Center in Zambia. "The floor plans that were developed were three-dimensional, which allowed the people to see what their hospital would look like when it was finished," Keller said. - Meredith Garrity Freshman Don Adams receives piano assistance from Neva White, associate professor of piano and voice. Piano was one of many instruments in which students took lessons during the year. Photo by Daniel Dubois. Sophomore Joe Moore concentrates as he designs an art piece. Art majors were able to enroll in many classes that allowed them to express themselves artistically. Photo by Ashlee Johnson. Juniors Melanie Resendes and Cindy Collins enjoy an afternoon in the lily pool. Dr. Jeff Hopper's music appreciation class took part in the activity on a warm day last fall. Photo by Daniel Dubois.