2000-2001 Yearbook

COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Changes in faculty, curriculum great benefits to department In the last few years the communication department has experienced many changes. The numberofthose majoring in mass comrnunicationisnow 309, which is 10percenthigher than last year. Some ofthe changes affectthe campusradio station, which currently broadcasts over Channel 16. Shelly Maxwell, a 2000 graduate of Harding took the place of Dr. Dutch Hoggatt as advisor to the radio station while he was at Harding University in Greece. Another change that may be occurring in the near future is the switch from broadcasting over cable to broadcasting on F.M. radio. Harding has applied for a radio license with the FCC. If this is approved, they will broadcast at 90.5 megahertz. This would be a noncommercial educational band. "Programming has not yet been determined. We are not even thinking about it until we get approved," Dr. Mike James, chairman of the communication department, said. The television station is also making changes. Through a new contract with White County Video, Harding has acquired a digital fiber optic link for TV 16. "This new link gives us a great Signal," James said. TV 16 provided students with information during the school year about campus as well as community events. "Everything is done by the students - Communication Department Academics i. . . • . • • • t;:i""< • . ;; ~ . . ;.. ..•. \ ' .n Did You Know... Dr. Jack Shock, professor ofcommunication, worked ' in the White House as President Bill Clinton's Director of Presidential Letters and Messages from 19951996. He returned to teach at Harding in 1996. camera work. directing, producing and talent," James said. Perhaps the biggest change for the communication department was the new curriculum that was in progress. The department was in the process ofadding a new major. interactive media. This would be a 60-hour "broad area" major, including classes from several departments including the College ofScience. School of Business and College of Arts and Humanities. Many of the courses are already being taught. although some new classes would have to be added including Media Software Practicum, Project Development in Digital Media and Internet Development I. This degree would be helpful for those who are looking for a career in web design. magazine publishing, marketing, graphic deSign, entertainment, government and advertising to name a few. - Jody Knight Senior Mindy Russell assists a local child in a speed pathology clinic. Speech Pathology majors workec with children free of charge. Photo by Daniel Dubois. Freshman Joe Maneiro reviews a list of songs to be played on KHCA, Harding's campus radiostation. Maneiro, a radio and television major, served as one ofthe station's DJs during the fall semester. Photo by Ric Helms. Laughter rings throughout the Channel 16 broadcast room as seniors Whitney Leach and Suzanne Lee relax during a commercial break. The two were anchors for the "Live at Five" broadcast. Photo by Daniel Dubois.