2000-2001 Yearbook

tudent Life Sophomore Ryan Crisler takes a fel minutes to relax outside the Bracke Library. Students often took advar tage of the swings and good weathE to study, talk or nap. Photo by Danil Dubois. HU family finds new oudook At fIrst glance it seems that college life can be one big routine. Chapel, classes, meetings, Bible studies, service projects, Spring Sing practice, a little time to relax - everything seems relatively the same. But somewhere in our years at Harding, we develop a new perspective on life. What exactly happened to make us look at life a little differently? Most of us don't have one specifIc instance. Student Impact may have influenced the way we view our classmates; there's just no way you can look at someone in the same way after you've seen them be a drill sergeant and an artist in the same night. Spring Sing gave us a new spin on teamwork. Nontraditional students helped the rest of us realize what's really important by often juggling family, career and schoolwork and somehow managing to do it all. International students brought a different perspective to American university life. Programs in Florence, Athens, London and Brisbane have given hundreds of students new ideas and focus after they spend three months in strange surroundings. Campaigns allowed us to see how God works around the world and in our backyard while changing the viewpoints of thousands - those we minister to as well as ourselves. Here at school, each of us has affected someone by our example ofChrist. Bible studies, prayer groups and devotionals help keep our focus where it should beand change it when it's not there. A group offriends can have a powerful influenceon eachother for life. We tend to see the "big things" as changing us. But it's really the day-to-day living that molds each one of us. Speakers, events and ceremonies affect us, but it's the ever-present smile of the guy atJava City or the hug you always get from the girl down the hall that makes us who we become. We influence each other more than any of us ever realize, and it may not be until our "student lives" at Harding are done that we see how our perspective has changed. - Jennifer Thompson, student life editor =D~i~v~is~i~o~n~~ ______________ ~~ Student Life G