2000-2001 Yearbook

Cristi Sterling-Y\lkon. Okla. Brandi Steward-Euless. Texas Jennifer Stewart-Kenai. Alaska Amy Stoneman-Raytown. Mo. Josh Strickland-Newport. Ark. Jason Stringer-Bryant. Ark. Kristen Stumpf-Johnstown. Pa. Pam Sullivan-Lee's Summit. Mo. Allison SummerS-Athens. Tenn. Ben SummerS-Athens. Tenn. Nathaniel Swain-Edgewood. N.M. Dawn Swartzendruber-Kalona. Iowa Shonna SwineY-Poplar Bluff. Mo. Valerie Tabor-Fort Worth. Texas Jordan TanksleY-Gales Ferry. Conn. Blanche Tate-Amagon. Ark. Dustin Taylor-Batesville. Ark. Grant Taylor-Hunslville. Texas Kim Taylor-Hallsville. Texas Jonathan Teel-Monroe. La. Jason TerrY-Paducah. Ky. Brian Thoman-Merrimack. N.H. Greg Thoman-Merrimack. N.H. Jacob Thomason-Des Arc. Ark. Amber Thompson-columbia. Tenn. Camaraderie Sophomore Brian Gifford, and freshmen Clint Power and Wendy Goodman socialize in a spare moment during the day. Between classes or after lunch, students always found time to stop and catch up on the latest Harding news. It's a time to relax from the often times hectic schedule of a student's life. Friends are easier made than kept. As the years progress, brief encounters are often the only times students can see what's new in each others lives. Harding leaves its most lasting impressions on students via the friendships that are born throughout a student's four year education. Friendships are a high priority on campus. Harding University was established not only to teach young minds in a more God-centered way than public education, but also to foster relationships that will have eternal signifi· cance. "The best friends that I have are ones I've made while here at Harding," Gifford said. Photo by Daniel Dubois. @) Freshmen 120 ~---------­ People