1999-2000 Yearbook

Zach Johnson , fres hman , practices his socce r skill s on the field in front of the Ganus Athletic Center (GAC). With socce r 's recent growth in populariry wirhin the Unit ed States, many studenrs showed an interesr in the sporr this year. In fa ct , the Lady Bi - son socce r ream received tremendous supporr from srudenr fans and were honored with the fourrh largest anendance average at a fema le socce r game in the Lone Star Conference (LSC). According to Coach Terry Edwards , because of the amounr of fan supporr (he team received this year, plans for improving the field for nex t year are cur rently in the works. One of the improvements sched uled to be made is 'the construcrion of additional seating a round the field in orde r for more fans to be ab le to sit and watch the games. In addir ion to the women's team, Harding will launch a program for an intercolleg iHe men 's socce r team nexr year. Joana Carlson -Texas Ciry, Texas. Political Sciencel Spanish. Alpha Chi. American Studi es. Dean's List. Honors Assoc. International Studies (HUG) . JOY. Shanrih. Austin Carr-Gainsvi ll e, Fla. Psychology. Dean's Li st. Psi Chi. Who 's Who. C.ampaigns Qamaica). Intramurals. Kn ights. Brent Carter-T:thlequah, Okla. Biology. Sociology Club. Campaigns (New Hampshire). Devita. Int ramurals. Del ta Chi Delta. Samuel Caner- Bentonville, Ark. Accounting-Public. Theta Tau Delta. Jennie Caseboh -Valleyunter, Kan. Social Work. Dean's List. So<:ial Work Club. Chi Omega Pi. Burt Casey-CheSler, Va. Health Care Management. International Studies (HUF). Campaigns (Philippines) . Seminoles. Kristin Cas leron-Morgantown, W.V. Psychology. Transfer (West Virginia Uni versiry). Campaigns (Ge:rmany) . Psi Chi. Conce:rt Choir. Regina. Cynthia CastillO-Quiche:, Guate:mala. Compute:r Info. Syste:ms. Campaigns (Guatema la , EI Salvador). De:an's List. Good News Singers. Spanish Club. Melissa Caudle- Benton, Ark. Psychology. Psi Chi. De:an's List. Zeta Rho. Tianay ChamberS-RiSing Star, Texas. Mathematics. Dean's List. Campaigns (De:nve: r). Phi Eu Sigma. Student Impact. Nursing & Science: Convocat ion Honoree. Ddta Gamma Rho. Robert Channing-Marshall, Texas. Youth and Family Mi nistry. Internat ional Studies (HUG). Delta Chi Delu. Sallie Chase-St. Clair, Mo. Child De:velopme:nt. Club Que:en (Knights). Family and Consume: r Scie:nce (Preside:nt). Campaigns (Ne:w York, Houston). Student Impact. Angela Che n g-Lave:rgne, Te:nn. Mathe:matics. Alpha Chi. Intramurals. Inte:rnational Studi es (HUF). Phi Eta Sigma. JOY. Kappa Gamma Epsilon. Daniel C h erry-Wa!dmhor, Ge:rmany. Bible: & Religionl Missions. Campaigns (De:nver/Dire:ctor). Club Beau. Dean's List. Inte:rnational Studies (HUG) . Alpha Chi Malachi. Neil Chilson-Live: rpool, N.Y. Compute:r Science:. Alpha Chi. American Studi es. Bison Staff. Dean's List. Film Studie:s. Honors Asso<:iation. Rachel Chitwood - De: rby, Kan. Communication Disorde: rs. De:an's List. intercollegi:ue: Athletics (Soccer). Zeta Rho. Seniors 95