1999-2000 Yearbook

92 Lisa AbbruzzeSe-Zelienople, Pa. Public Accounting. Alpha Chi. Delta Mu Ddta. Phi Eta Sigma. Color Guard (Captain). Accouming Society. Tri Kappa. Amanda Adams-Missouri City, Texas. Missions. Campaigns (Africa). American Studies. Alpha Chi Malachi. Shantih. Sarah Adkins-Little Rock, Ark. French/History. Who's Who. Alpha Chi. Imernational Studies (HUF). American Studies. Phi Alpha Theta. Ko Jo Kai. Moises Agui la r -vmcrul., Mexico. Computer Information Systems. Corrie Albrigh t- East Hampton, Conn . Accouming/ Mathematics. Alpha Chi. Accounting Society. Imramurais. International Studies (HUG). Dean 's Lise Regina. Andrea Alderman-Des Moines, Iowa. Spc:cial Education. Dean's Lise Concert Choir. Ju Go Ju. J ames Allen-Tal lahassee, Fla. Oral Communication/ Pre-Engineering (Mechanical). Dramatics. Honors Association. Dean's Lise Alpha Chi. Uplift. J e ni Allen-Anchorage, Alaska. Biology. Concert Choir. Internarional Studies (HUE) . Honors Association. American Studies. Dean's List. Kappa Gamn1a Epsilon. Tim Allen-Bethalto, Ill. Psychology. Imernational Studies (HUF). Psi Chi. Campaigns UamaicalNew York). Dean's List. Bison Staff. Knigh ts . H eath Amos-se MaI}'$, W.V. Biology/Missions. Alpha Chi. lmernarional Studies (HUG). Club Beau. American Studies. Knighu. Kim Anderson-Yorba Linda, Calif. Elementary Education . Campaigns (Australia). TEACH. Thet:l &.U J(,pp>. M isty Anderson-ufayeue, u . Dietetics. Nu Delta Chapler of Kappa Omicron Nu, Inc. Band. College Republicans. Phi Eta Sigma. Regina. Will iam Anderson-Bethel, Conn. Computer Systems. lntramurals. Chi Sigma Alpha. Richar d Ashloc k -N. Richland Hills, Texas. Exercise Seiena:. Intercollegiate Athletics. Dean's Lin. Chi Sigma Alpha. Amy A tkinso n -Irving, Texas. Computer Information Systems. Transfer (North Lake Community College). Intramurals. JOY. Color Guard. Shantih. Leah Atkinson-College Station, Texas. Accounting. Dean's List . imernational Studies (HUF). Club QULocn. Campaigns. Kappa Gamma Epsilon. People Senior class officers Sarah Dennis, secretary/ treasurer; Autumn Spell , vice-presidem; Chad Cutts, men's represemative (not pictured: Christy Graham, president; Kelly Lauterbach, women's representative) gathered outside the student center for a group pharo. Along with the busy schedu les of being a senior at Harding, these students rook extra time to lead their fellow gradu~ ates~[Q~be throughout the 1999~2000 school year. Along with helping the StUdent Association (S.A.) with many service projeclS during the year, including Rudolph to Romania and the hurricane relief, this group of leaders planned several treats for the student body. For instance , the seniors were in charge of the Ch ristmas lights glowing on campus during the winter s~son that many were able to enjoy. These officers also headed a program this spring that helped collect and send Bibles to China. Al though the officers led the senior class in a successfu l year, it was the first time most of them had been in~ valved in the S.A.