1999-2000 Yearbook

People / Brotherhood supports in times ofchallenge With students from all 50 states and many different countries, Harding Universiry has created an atmosphere in which strangers come together and live as one family. .' With many hopes and aspiraAbove: A mob of students leave the Benson Auditorium after chapel and head out to begin their day. Left:Mike Lewis, senior, StopS in the middle of campus to chat with Anne Gerber, junior. tions we attend this school, not only to become well-educated, but to grow stronger to God and closer to each other asChristian brothers and sisters. Brought together, sharing one common love, the students at Harding help one another strengthen their relationships with Jesus Christ. "By being brought together and sharing a common love, the students at Harding help one another strengthen their relationships with Jesus Christ. " Walking around this beautiful campus, one is able to see the many things that set Harding apart from every other universiry. Aside from the friendly faces that we encounter every day, we are surrounded by many unique opportunities that are not found anywhere else. Attending chapel, involving ourselves in social clubs, intramural sports and the countless academic clubs and societies that are available to us are just a few of the ways we can get involved and grow close to one another. In addition to the extra-curricular activities that Harding provides for us, our classes are also different. With a faculry and staff that genuinely cares for the students, it is difficult not to appreciate and follow the examples that these incredibly gifted Christian leaders set for us. While the years go on, the intent of Harding will continue in the ideals on which it was founded. This Universiry will always stand apart from others in its effort to teach young men and women to share the word of God. As we grow older and face the challenges of the real world, we will forever look back on our years here and embrace the love and encouragement that met us at Harding. - Jaren Page, people editor People 91