1999-2000 Yearbook

Dr. Bill Flan , professo r of counseling, visits with a Harding University G raduate School of Religion student. Flatt held the position of Dean until Dr. Evertt Huffard assumed the duties earlier this year. Dr. John Mark Hicks, professor ofChriscian Doctrine, conducts a class on the graduate school's campus. After the 1 999~2000 school year. HickswiU be spliuing his teaching time between HUGSRand David Lipscomb University. Nathan Randolph . graduate student , works on a research project in the school 's library. Students at (he Harding University Graduate School of Religion became fami liar with the library while worki ng tOward their degrees. Dr. Ed Gray,assoaate ptOfessor ofcounseling. holds aclassdiscussion. Grayhas taught at the graduate school since 1983. Evertt Huffard , dean of the Harding University Graduate School of Religion, and his wife, Ileene visit with supporters of the school after h is inauguration as Execurive Director and Dean of the institution. Huffard is the sixth dean in the school's history. Graduate School of Religion 87