1999-2000 Yearbook

MEETING THE ChallEnge Teachers offer their time, their counsel and often their homes to students who need them.These men and women are not only pillars of the church but models ofthe Christianwork ethic as well, teaching students how to develop a successful career while maintaining Chrisitan ideals. A good work ethic i~ only part of Harding's education. The faculty strives to teach the skills, training and experience students need to compete well in their fields. Harding has made the founding ofsuccessful careers an honor-bound priority in its methods of educating students. Harding University is built on a clear vision of • Christ's mission and a firm understanding of the world's demands . It is this school's hope that, through teaching us to lean on God and look to the future, we might meet the challenge of the world and find our place in an eternal home. - Sonya Sawyer, editor Pho!o by Daniel Dubois Heather Irwin, junior, delivers flowers and balloons for the Etc. Gi ft Shop. Students often found pleasant surprises waiting for them at the front desks of their dorms . Opening 5