1999-2000 Yearbook

Harold Alexander, M.S.E., N.C.C. Counsdor/SSS Dee Bost, Ed.D. Coordinator/Learning Center Gerald Cox, M.L.S. Interlibrary Loan, Cataloging Ann Dixon, M .L.S. Library Director Trent Dodds, B.A. Systems Manager/Library Rick Fought, M.L. LS. Archives, Reference Librarian Ann Hobby, M.Ed., M.L.I.S. Reference & Instruction Librarian Jennifer Hurd, Ed.D. Academic Resources Coordinaror Henry Terrill, M.S.L.S. Serials & Government Documents Librarian Linda Thompson, Ed.D. Directot1Student Support Services Shirley Williams, M.A.T., M.L.S. Technical Service Librarian Dixon Appointed Library Director Program Looks Towards Growth After working in the Bracket[ Library for seven years, Ann Dixon has been promoted co Library Direccor. In Dixon 's new role, she ove rsees the entire library system including the faculty, staffand studenc workers. She is now responsible for every area in the library, including her former position as Circulation and Reference Librarian. She is in charge of reporting co the deans, keeping the building itsel f in tip top shape and ma1cing sure the library is running smoothly. Dixon moved to Searcy seven years ago with her famil y. Her husband works with other Harding faculty on Truth for Today, a Bible information group that helps spread the Gospel in six different languages . Dixon has two children. Herson lives and works in Pa. and her daughter, Hannah, is a junior at Harding. Before moving to Searcy, the Dixons were resipatrons, but it is also away from the scudenc workers," Dixon said. "When I was Reference/Circulation Librarian,l had more time during the day co inceract with the scudenc workers. Now, I juSt get co see them on the weekends." Her new position is not as welcomed as it should be for anQ(her reason as well. Dixon replaced the previous Library Direccor, Suzanne Spurr ier, who passed away last spring after a batde with cancer. Seven years ago, Spurrier hired Dixon , and the [WO developed a close friendship. "She was one of the finest Christian women I've ever meL She was such a strong leader and developed the library as a family," Dixon said. "She made everyone feel special." Where is the Bracken Library headed in the future? According co Dixon, the future library is definitely going CO be differenL As each day approches, more and more electronics are dents ofRogers .Ark. There Dixon taught junior high school civics for eleven years. After moving to Searcy, she applied fQr a job at the Bracke[t Library. Shewas hired and then agreed to go back to school and receive her Masters in Library Science. "We have a wonderful staff of being added co exis img research cools. Most people would think that the role of a librarian would become less imporranc, but Dixon has a different opinion about the librarians ' roles. Whi le working and raising a family in Searcy, Dixon rece ived her degree from Texas Women's University. For five weeks one summe r she stayed in a dorm to avoid the long trips back and forth from the university in Texas to Searcy. The promotion to Library Director has proved to be very well deserved. Unforunateiy, however, the students and facu1ry members and we work very hard as a family to help the rest of our Harding family." -Ann Dixon "I believe that a librarian's posicon and imporrance is increasing along with the growth of the library, " Dixon said. " Ie is starring CO become the librarian 's job CO not only help scudems find their information , but to help them co find the good information instead ofjuSt the easy information. " The library also cominues [0 grow as the scudem body grows, accord ing to Dixon. new position also has its downsides (QO. Any time a new job requires additional responsibilites, more hours are required as well. "We are here to serve the students and we want to meet thei r needs, " she said. "The library is currendy moving towards electronic access to many different references. Dixon's new position also requires her to spend more time in her office during the day, which happens to be in the back away from the student body. Dixon explai ned how the location of her new office took a litde bit of getting used to. "Unfortunately, my new office is away from not only [he student "This is a very exciting job because as technology changes, we are constantly changing with it. We have a wonderfu l staff ofscudents and staff members and we work very hard as a family to help the rest of our Harding family." - Jaren Page -Shauna Lee Academic Support 81