1999-2000 Yearbook

Mendy Smith, senior, visits with Lee Wimberly, employee of accounting firm Ba ird, Kurtz and Dobson. The Career Cente r assisted many swdents in serring up job interviews. Reagan Boudra, senior, leads a Supplemental Instruction (51) session for math 151. SI sess ions were sponsored by the Academic Support Center and offered in a variety of departments, including history, science and art. Ann Dixon. director of Bracken Library. provides library guidance to Neil Chilson, senior. This was D ixon's first year to serve as library di rector. Rebecca Teague, director of career counseling and placement, assists Christy Beason. senior. at the Graduate Fair .The Career Center was available to students as an aid in making POSt graduate plans. 80 Academics Sara Mulliken. sophomore. helps Greg Kendall-Ball, junio r, in the periodicals section of the library. Sw - dent library workers were always available to aid in searches.