1999-2000 Yearbook

Photo by Mark Kinonen Scott Ragsdale, assistant football coach , prepares for classes in his office. In addition to his coaching responsibi lities, Ragsdale taught in the computer science department. Teresa Sikes, Anna FinkandMelissaTittle, math oouca.tion majors, visitwith Dr. Bill Oldham, professor ofmath.Oldham, who announced his retirement this year, was instrumental in preparing math teachers for their professions, Sikes said. Timo Kosonen, sophomore, and Gregor T amindzija, freshman, participate in the ACM Regional Program contest. Harding hosted the annual event th is year. Debbie Duke, associate professo r of math, explains material to Jay Brogdon, freshman. Brogdon said Duke was a valuable member of the mathematics faculty. Troy Sidle, senior, and Nicolaus Gladfel ter, junior, work together in the All tel computer lab . The lab was reserved exclusively for math and computer science students . Computer Science & Math 79