1999-2000 Yearbook

Stephen Baber, Ph.D. Prof.lComp. Science & Dir.lAcademic Computing T imothy Baird, Ph.D. Prof. & Dept. Chair/Computer Science Harmon Brown, Ph.D. Prof.lMarh Gene Dugger, M.S. Prof.lComp. Science & Math Debbie Duke, Ed.D. Asso. Prof.lMath Frank McCown , B.S. Asso. Inst.lComp. Science Bill Oldh~, Ed.D. Prof.lMath & Dir.lMath Ed. Scott Ragsdale, M.S .E. Ass 't. Prof.lComp. Science & Ass't. Football Coach Steve Smith, Ph.D. Prof. & Dept. Chair/Math Travis Thompson, Ph.D. Prof.lMath & Ass 't. Dean/College of Science Dr. Bill OldhamAnnounces Retirement Mathematics Professor Ends Career of Nearly 40 Years of Service to Harding Afte r nearly 40 yea rs of dedicated se rvice CO Harding Unive rsity, Dr. Bill O ldham, professor of ma t hema tics, has decided co retir e and pursue a va ri ety of altern at ive interes ts. " I have a lot of hobbies. 1 have a farm, and enjoy mechani cs, 1 also have some books that I would like to write," Oldham said. In additi on to in-home activi ties, Oldham plans to do some overseas teaching as wel l. "I'm go ing to do some overseas exchange teaching at Chri stian schoo ls," he sa id. "For example . 1 plan to teach at St . Andrews in Sco tl and ." to reach ou( [0 the masses through advancing t echnology. "Through the usage of var ious mass communi ca tion media such as compu te rs, we can effectively reach our to fo reign cou ntri es," Oldham sai d. Oldham also expresses an int erest in crea ting Chr istian web sites. His des ire is [0 teach compu ter lit eracy while incorporat - ing a Chri stian message. Accordin g CO Oldham. the inner ci ty areas would greatly benefit by web sites such as these. "There is a great opportu nity to evange li ze in the inner cities by the use of computers as a teaching aid," he sa id. For years, O ldham was instrumental in the instructing of students who <lore majoring in math educa tion. Hi s co ll eagues have al so come to rely on hi s skill s of educating and advising students within the math deparrment , according to Steve Smith , department chair. "Dr. O ldham is Aside from hi s teaching at the university leve l, O ldham is currentl y involved in a va riety of ac ti viti es. a great colleague. He brings professionalism to the He co ntinues to preach , as he has since coming CO Harding in 196 1. "Dr. Oldham is a great coll eague: Smith sa id. "He brings professional ism to the department that will be d ifficu lt to replace." department that will be difficult to He is also a member of the Lyons club and will serve as their governo r in 2002. replace ." Student s also appr ec ia t e the guida n ce Oldham has provided both in and out of the - Steve Smith " I preach at a loca l co ngregat ion and am an acti ve member of the Lyons club , which supplies fr ee eye wear to th ose who are in need." classroom. Anna Fink, sen ior , sa id Oldham possesses the ability to prepare his math educati on students fo r thei r futur e as instructors. "Dr. O ldh am helps us ptepare for what we are go ing to encounter as educators in the future " Fink sa id. "He is ve ry creat ive and expresses insightful teaching techniques ." Perh aps Oldham's greatest passion li es within the fi eld of mi ss ions. By the inco rporation of computers in the mi ss ion fi eld, Oldham says that there is a brief window of opportunity 78 Academics Oldham sa id. According to seve ral of hi s co ll eagues and friends, Oldham's presence at the Uni ve rsity will be so rely mi ssed. He will be mi ssed not onl y as an educa tor , but as a friend. "Dr. Oldham is our mat h educat ion director ," Harmon Brown , professo r of mat hemati cs, sa id. No ne of us can do the things which he does. But more importantl y, he is a great guy and fo r that he will sur ely be missed ," -Alan Seim