1999-2000 Yearbook

Mark Elrod , Ph .D: Asso. Prof./Poli[ical Sciences Jan Fortner, M.A. InsLlHis[ory & Bible Paul Haynie, Ph.D. Prof.lHislOry Tom Howard, Ed.D. DisL Prof. & DepL Chair/Political Science Fred Jewell , Ed.D. Prof.l HislOry Andy Olree, ].0. , C.P.A. Ass'r. Prof.lPolitical Science Tom Statom, Ph.D. ProUHislOry David Thomason, Ph.D. Ass' [ ProUPoli cical Science History Department Relocates Ganus Building Becomes New Home It 's often said that hi sto ry does not change . Howeve r, the Harding University History Department did change - location , that is. The department moved from theAmerican Studies building to [he Ganus building this year. Themovewas made possi blewhen thecommunications department relocated to the new Reynolds building. The department ofhistory and social sciences was eager to take the opponuni ty to move, according to D r. FredJewell,deparunent chairman. "Our department was the perfect size to occupy the Ganus building appropriately," he said. Renovations began lasr summer. One ofthe moremajo r renovations made to adequately accommodate the department was the removal of the Macintosh lab, which was once used primarily for communication students. The former lab nowserves as the office fo rJewell. "For the first time we have a mini lab which is so lely dedicated to our specific research, " Jewell said. The department also installed the research program, WESTLAW, which will aid in various student endeavors . WESTLAW gives users access to every court case recorded on both state and federal levels. The program will greatly advance student research techniques, according to John Boone, graduate student. "WESTLAW ass ists us in law specific areas of communication," Boone said. In addition to the new min i compu ter lab, Power Point projectors are to be installed in several classrooms in the near future. These projectors assist students in nOte taking and also make learning a more interactive process, acco rding to Jewell. Anerworkprinter was also installed in thebuilding T he older offices on the second Aoorwere remodeled for additional space and to accommodate the remainder of the faculty. "It's nice to have all of that allows facul ty to send documents to one central location. Several fac ulty members said th ey were exceptionally pleased with the new office situations. the faculty together on the same floor. It makes "The network printer all ows the facul ty to send material from their offi ces to the main office," Wanda Lloyd, department secreta ry, said. "It's nice to have all of the facul ty together on the same fl oor. It makes it much easier for us to compare notes and to talk to each other about our classes," Dr. Paul Haynie, professor of histo ry, said. "It's been a real blessing." it much easier for us to In addition ro the change ofvenue, several facul ty related changes also rook place. compare notes and to talk to each other about Jewell served as acti ng chairman during the fall semester while Dr. Tom Howard was at Harding University in Florence (HUF). Lori Klein, adjunct professor, is also pleased with the change. our classes. It's been a real blessing" "I bel ieve Dr. Jewell did an excellent job in the absence of Dr. Howard," Jenni fe r Burton, senior history major, said. -Dr. Paul Haynie She said the move provided her with an offi ce that she shares with the department 's graduate assistant. "It's very hel pful to have a location where I can meet with students," she said. The renovations also provided a lounge where histo ry maj ors can study and hold mee tings. As ide from the phys ical changes made to the building, there have been several technological changes as welL Five new computers were installed which give students advanced access in dealing with historically specified research. Along with the department head change in the fall semester, Dr. David Thomason was added to the facul ty this year aft er the retirement of D r. Joe Segraves. T homason seemed satisfi ed with both the new arrangements and the teaching environment. "The commitment that the teachers have to the students and the commitmenr that admi nisu arion has to the facul ty is imp ress ive," Thomason said. -Alan Seim History 77