1999-2000 Yearbook

Curt Baker, M.S.E. Ass' £. Prof.lEnglish Rod Brewer, Ph.D. Prof.lEnglish Ava Conley, M.A. Prof./Spanish Kathy Dillion, M.Ed. Inst.lEnglish Terry Edwards, Ph.D. Asso. Prof. hal ian, Humanities & Dept. Chair/ Foreign Language Gary EUi on, Ph.D. Prof.lEnglish Noble Goss, Ph.D. Prof.lForeign Language Ken Hammes, Ph.D. Prof.lEnglish Kayla Haynie, M.A. Ass't. Prof.lEnglish Alice Jewell, Ph .D. Prof.lEnglish Dennis Organ , Ph.D. Prof. & Dept. Chair/English Sherry Organ, M .Ed. Ass't Prof.lEnglish Eugene Underwood, Ed.D. Prof.lEnglish John Williams, Ph.D:Asso. Prof.lEnglish Dottie Wright. Dr. de l'Universite Prof.lFrench & English Winfred Wright. Dr. de )'Universite Prof.lFrench & hal ian Sally Zengaro, M .A. Ass't. Prof.fEnglish Edwards Appointed Chair of Foreign Language Department New Listening Lab a Priority on Leader's Agenda Harding University studenes recognize Dr. Terry Edwards as a powerful teacher, a moving speaker and the coach of the Lady Bison socce r team. However, as of this year, Edwards will be known for one more accomplishmene - he has been appoineed Chair of the Foreign Languages Departmene. "Dr. Edwards is a very appropriate choice for depanmene chair," Reagan Weaver, senior, said. "He has a very deep understanding of other culwres that comes from growing up and living overseas for so many years. He adds personal insight and interest to every class." Jeff Venable, junior, a member of Edward's Elementary Italian II class, echoed Weaver's thoughts about Edwards. "Dr. Edwards has a very interesting and effect ive teaching style," he said. "He uses newspaper articles, comics and movies (Q teach us the Italian language. He's a great teacher." said. "} will be even more confident once thar is accomplished." Along wirh the new classrooms and offices, anorher priority on Edwards' agenda is the incorporation of new labs into the departmene There is a proposal before the administration ro have both a li stening lab and a compurer lab. The listening lab will be a computerized Sony lab that will include 25 to 30 individual star ions, acco rding to Edwa rds. Each station in the lab will allow the students [Q listen to pronunciarions of various words in different languages with headphones while simultaneously requiring the students to speak in ro microphones and hear themselves repeat the words. The listening lab equ ipment will also have a feature that wi ll allow the instructors to listen in on each station and be able ro teach the students at any given time. Edwards has already dealt with many administrative changes in the depanment over .the last several months precedi ng his appointment as chair ofForeign Languages. "I've already been involved with changes in the renovation [of the Ganus building], and we' re very happy wirh the new faciliries," Edwards said. "With the retirement of Winfred Wright [former departmentchairl and his wife, Dottie, I The lab will enable studenrs to work and learn at rheir own pace, Edwards said. "So many classes only have written work, so I think the labs will be a great addirion ro help us learn better with hands-on material," Cara Sheumaker, freshman, said. Languages to be included are Spanish, French, Italian and German. The renovarion includes new offices and classrooms for the deparrment. Edwards said he has many goals set as head of the Foreign Languages Depanment. plan tocontinuethe legacy left behind. I want to make sure their shoes are filled A computer lab for rhe general use ofstudents was also suggested in the proposal placed before the administration. The previous Ganus Macintosh lab was removed with the bui lding of the Reynolds center computer lab. "Wirh the rerirement ofWinfred Wrighr [former department chair] and his wife, Dortie, I plan to continue the legacy left behind," Edwards said. "I want to make sure their shoes are fill ed adequately." adequately." -Terry Edwards Edwa rds said that the lab would consist of five or six new computers with different softwa re. Not only was the chair position vacated with the retitement of the Wrights, [WO reaching positions also came open. In January, Edwards appointed Dr. Robert McCready as an Assistane Professor of French. The other position in the department will be filled after further interviews, according to Edwards. "Filling the teaching positions is high on my priority list," Edwards 74 Academics The updated programs will be efficient in helping rhe students learn. "I think students will be better offwith more up-ro-date technology," Sheumaker said. "The introduction of the labs is my biggest hope for our department, " Edwards said. -Jamey Jones