1999-2000 Yearbook

David Duke, senior, explains his summer internsh ip responsibilit ies as a NASA Summer Academy student. Duke was one of 30 students nationwide accepted to the program. Amber Sawyer and Mandy Isom, seniors, explore a launch veh icle at the Vi rginia Ae rospace museum. The tWO chemistry students were able to visit the museum during a tr ip prior to the beginning of the school year. Brent Carter, sen ior, and Pam Walker, junior, examine slides in Biology lab. The students were members of Dr. Steve Moore's class. James Mackey and Ed Wilson, professors of science, stand with Amber Sawye r, Mandy !som, J a red Hodge, Dav id Duke, Jeremiah Palmer and MarkMcMasters, seniors, in the blades of the wi nd tunnel atthe NASA Goddard Space and Flight Center. An Arkansas grant allowed the smdents to make [he trip. Whitney Long, senior chemistry major, works with a student from Hardy, Ark. in a special laboratory experiment. The lab exercise followed a presentation to which both listened. 72 Academics Photo by Mark Kin(>ncn