1999-2000 Yearbook

Louis Butterfield, Ed.D. Prof.lComm. Scott Carrell, M.M. Ass'(. Prof.lMusic Warren Casey, Ph.D. Prof.lMus ic Michael Chance, M.M. Ass't. Prof.lMusic & Dir. Bands Patricia Cox, Ph.D. Asso. Prof.lMusic Karen Crabb, M.A. CCC~SLP Ass't. Prof.lComm. Morris Ell is, Ph .D. Prof.lComm. Dottie Frye, M.A. Lect.lComm. Steven Frye. Ed.D. Asso. Prof.lComm. Clifton Ganus III , D.M.A. Prof.lMusic Pat Garner. Ph.D. Prof.lComm. Kay Gowen. M.S. Asso. Prof.lComm. Dutch Hoggatt, Ph.D. Asso. Prof.lComm. Jeffrey Hopper, Ph.D. Prof.lMusic Chuck Hicks, M.S.E. Ass't, Prof.lMusic Mike James, Pl}.D. Asso. Prof. & Dept. Chair/Comm. Robin Miller, M.F.A. Asso. Prof.lComm. John Ryan, Ph.D. Prof.lComm. Arthur Shearin, D.M.A. Prof. & Dept. Chai r/Music Jack Shock, Ed.D. Asso. Prof.lComm. Daniel T ullos, Ph.D. CCC·SLP Pcof./Comm. Sharon Pin, M.Ed. Inst.lComm. Beckie Weaver, M.C.D. , CCC-SLP Asso. Prof.lComm. Neva White, M.M. Asso. Prof.lMusic Harding's TV-16 Receives Upgrade Improvements Require Time OffAir, But The Show Goes On For Communication Students "Wh ite County Cable TV is curren tly upgrading the Harding University channel 16 transmiss ion lines to provide optimum picture quali ty. Channel16will be in operationshordy. TV 16will return with 'Live at 5' and other programs next semes ter. " These words fill ed channel 16 throughout the fall semes ter, because the student-run television station was temporarily off the air for several monchs. Problems with the station starred when signals going over the air. Somecimes i[ was hard for the anchors because they knew if they made a mi stake they could just start over, " Burright said. " It would definitely be different if the show was live." Elyse Slavaska, senior, was (he wea[her anchor fo r TV- 16. She also said i( was hard to stay focused, knowing chat the newscast would not be ai red. "1 remember one time when the graphics weren ' t working," Slavaskasaid. "Instead of(heweather mapon deteriorated over the previous summer, according to Dr. Dutch Hogga tt, associate professor ?fcommunicanon. Hoggatt, the faculty adviser for TV-16, explai ned that Whi te County Cable promised to have the station on air by February 1. "White County Cable upgraded the fiber optics at TV-1 6.This made (he screen there was a background with buildings and people. I started tal king to the background just joking around ." The scudents in the class were still expecced to learn the equipment in the studio. "White Coun ty Cable upgraded the fibe r optics at TV- 16. This made the qual ity of the signal much better," Hoggatt said. "Our line was old and had a horri ble signal. " the quality of the signal much better. Our line was old and had a horrible They were required to meet two times a week to produce the newscast, according to Burright. "I have learned a lot about what goes on behind the scenes," Burright said. "I didn ' t know anyth ing aboU[ television befo re I tOok the course." signal ." The students who signed up for the televis ion The Harding station was taken off the air in September so that new lines could be wired. The lines required new fiber op tics reaching approximately one mile in length. The cable company - Dr. Dutch Hoggatt practicum class in the spring were able to experience a live broadcast. T his experience teaches the students how to wo rk rogether as a team while under the cime limit allotted for the newscast. started the job but was not able to finish because ofthe lack ofmaterials. The station did, however, begin broadcas ting live in February. Although Harding's TV- 16 newscast was not ai red duting the fa ll semester, the show still wenc on for students in the television practicum class. Donda Burright, juni or, learned floor manager's position. She also learned how to operate the studio cameras while in che practicum class. "Everyone took the class seriously even though the newscast was nOt "You can tell that the upgrade has given our station a hi gher level of qual ity," Zac Watson , senior, said. "Al(hough it was very un ique to be on a team that did nor acmally appear on the air, it would have been exciting to be a part of the first newscas t with the upgraded transmission lines . Regardless, I had a great experience." -Ginger Wilson Communication & Music 69