1999-2000 Yearbook

Dr. Pat Garner, Robin Miller and D r. Dan T u1l0s, communicat ion professors, gri ll dinner at a department wide barbecue last fall The picnic, sponso red by thedepartment , was des igned to help communi cation majors get reacquainted after summer vacation. Kr iste n Hut chi so n and Grac ie Suthe rland, sophomore music majors, perform at music forum. Music majors gathered at music forum once a week in order to showcase new pieces. Stephen Rose, junior, and Elyse Slavska, senior, discuss the night's production of 'Live at 5.' Rose and Siavska, who were members of rhe fall broadcast crew, were nOt actually tel evised because of technical upgrades thar affected TV- 16. Cary Ga rner, junior, practices his tuba with the symphonic band. Many musical ensembles on campus provided music majors the chance to gain performance expenence. 68 Academics