1999-2000 Yearbook

I'lloto by M~'k Kinoncn Kelly Cowley, se nior kines iology major, applies knowledge from her classes to her job as aerobics instructor at Basic Traini ng. In addition to her school work, Cowley taught rn ree exercise classes a week. Tim Kirby, ass istant professor ofkinesiology, instructs Bryan Wilson, freshman, on racquetball technique during T ennis and Racquetball class. Students in the class played oneofthese two sports every Tuesday and Thursday. Plloto by Mark Kinoncn Mike Lewis, senior, creates a miniature 3-D version of a self-portrait as a trial before enlarging the p iece to four feet d imensions as a project for Sculpture class. Lewis' sculpture separated the val ues of the portrait by layeri ng them on different plains to teach imagery. Paul Pitt, professo r ofart, instructs MitcheUBreitweiser, senior, in Ceramics class. Students in the class had many oppo rtuni ties to gai n experience at the potter's wheel. An & Kinesiology 67