1999-2000 Yearbook

Daniel Adams, M.F.A. Asso . Prof.lArt . Beverly Austin, M.A. Inst.lArt Karyl Bailey. Ph.D. Prof.lKins. Ashley Brown , B.A. Asso. Inst.lArt Stephen Burks, M.BA Insc. & Ass'c. Women's Bskr. CoachlKins. Kathryn Campbell, M.A.T Prof.lKins. Karren Carrouth . B.S. Asso. InsdArt Bob Corbi n, M .Ed. Prof. & Research Asso.lKins. Faye Doran. Ed.D. Prof.lArt David Elliott. M.A.T. Prof. & Tenn is Coach/Kins. Brad Francis. M.Ed. Ass'r. Prof. & Women's Bskt. Coach/Kins. James Frank, M.Ed. Ass't. Prof. & Ass't Football Coach/Kins. Shane Fullerton, M.Ed. InS[. & Baseball Coach/Kins. Keith Giboney. M.Ed. Inst. & Volleyball Coach /Ki~s . Jim Gowen , M .A. Ass'r Prof. & Dir. Intramurals/ Kins. Ronnie Harlow, M.S .E. Inst. & Head Arhletic Trainer/Kins. Ronnie Huckeba, M.Ed. Asso. Prof. & Ass'r Football Coach/ Kins. John Keller, Ph.D. Prof. & Dept. Chair/Art Tim Kirby, M.Ed. Ass' l. Prof. & Ass't. Men's Bskr. Coach/Kins. Wilt Martin, M.Ed. Prof. & Dept. Chair/Kins. Jessica Moore, D .A. Asso. Prof. & Dir. Intramurals/Kins. Jeff Morgan, M.S. Ass't. Prof. & Men's Bskt. Coach/ Kins. Roddy Mote. M.Ed. Asso. Insc. & Ass't. Football Coach/Kins. Brian Phillips, Ph.D. Ass't. Prof. & Track Coach/Kins. Mike Pruitt, D.A. Prof.lKins. Don Robinson , M.A. Prof.fArt Randy Tribble, M .Ed. Asso. Prof. & Football Coach/Kins. Ken Turley. Ph.D. Ass't. Prof.fKins Dr. John Keller Appointed Chair ofArt Department New Leader Looks Towards Growrh of Program More than 4.000 students choose to take art appreciation to help fulfill their general education requirements. From this number. approximately 440 students are continuing their love for art study, helping to make decisions that affect all li fe at Harding. "In the future, I hope co add a Masters degree in art to our program. I also want to improve our interior design program." Kel ler said. "We are currently looking for by maj oring in one ofthe five areas offered in the program. Their passionate guide is Dr. John Keller, recently named department chairman. "The role of depanment chair is a combination of wi ll ingness, interest and administration," Keller said. "It requires a desire in the philosophy of an. " Many extracurricular acrivities tOok up Keller's time outside of his already busy schedule. Besides teaching art department classes from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. five days a week. Ke ll er invol ved himself in budgeting the depanment 's funds and ordering supplies and other materi als as needed. When hewas not taking prospective students on tours, he was taking care of maintenance problems reponed to him. In add ition. Keller was especially beneficial to the senior art majors, according to Tina Zwahr, junior. "The role ofdepartment chair is acombination ofwillingness, interest and administration. It requires a desire in the philosophy of art. " -Dr. John Keller a full-time interior design teacher, and we are in the process of adding twO new graph ic design classes to the current schedule." The an department offers majors with an emphasis in graph ic design , interior design, art education, art therapy, painting, 3-D sculpture and pottery. In addition, A.B.A. and B.S. degrees in art are also available, as well as three B.F.A.'s: graphic design, 3D sculpcure and painting. A classical approach in training is passed from teacher to student , whi le utilizing different blends of artwork seen th roughou t many popular artists of previous centuries. Each teacher is different in his method of uansferring knowledge the Students, Zwahr said. "Dr. Keller is who I will go to when I need to sign up for my senior an show," Zwahr said. Ai; the program continues to grow and develop, students are putting in their ideas and thoughts as they go through the program. Keller has proved he will keep their interests in mind. Representing the entire art deparcmem, Keller conferred with deans, chai rs and administratOrs from all deparcments and areas of 66 Academics -Tiffany Johnston