1999-2000 Yearbook

Jeremy Hayes, se nior, measures a child during a full-body physical. Student in the Community Health nursing cl ass offered free physicals t,? children involved in the HIPPY program. Jennifer Miller, El izabeth Marshall and AJlison Bailey, senior nursing students, prepare for surgery during a medical mission trip to Africa. Students participating in the campaign received credit fo r Maternity and Community Health, cwo required nursing classes. Jess Parker, senior, completes duties for a clinical at White County HospitaL The clinical was in conjunction with class requirements for Chronic Adul t Health. Chdsey Brandimore, senior, poses with children during last year' sspringbreak campaign (0 Honduras. Several nursing srudents helped in me reliefeffort after Hurricane Mitch. Jennifer Miller, senior, displays a baby she delivered on a 1999 summer campaign to Mrica. Campaigns offered many nu rsing students unique learning experiences. 64 Academics