1999-2000 Yearbook

Lanny Hardman, graduate student, prepares to sample pizza during the PizzaWar. The event, sponsored by Pi Sigma Epsilon, Harding's management club, helped raise money to fight muscular dystrophy. Candice Fisher. Stacey Portell, Bren Ockerman. Amanda Davis. juniors. and Ch risty Graham. senior. visit with Ellen Shoemate, Searcy Health and Rehab ilitation resident. Members of the American Marketing Association visited nursing homes during the holidays. ~ Photo by M~rk Kinonen William Bridges, manager of the HUB. visits with Keely Hutchison, junior, and Brooke Ginnings, sophomore, during a field trip for a retail marketing class. Emilie Whitley, senior, and Jonah Shumate. sophomore, walk through the halls of the Mabee building. The build ing was a second home for business students. • THE WORLD Randy McLeod. dean of the school of business. holds Camielle Sloan. daughter of colleague Lori Sloan. Camielle vis~ ited her mother's classes after a special presenta~ tion in chapel co ncern ~ ing faculry grandchil~ dren. Camielle is also the granddaughter of Dr. Neale Pryor, vice president for academic affairs. School of Business 63