1999-2000 Yearbook

David Allen, M.B.A. , C.P.A. Asso . ProUAcct. Jimmy Behel, M.B.A. Asso. ProUc. I. S. Rhonda Bell, M.A. Ass' t. ProUBus. Phil Brown, Ph.D., C.P.A. Ass' t. ProUAcct. Bryan Burks, M.B.A. , C. P.A. Ass' t. Prof.lAcct. Lavon Carter, M.B.S. Asso. Prof.lMgt. Mark Davis, M.B.A. Ass 't. Prof.lBus. Don Diffine, Ph.D. Prof.lEcon. & Oir. Belden Crr. Mike Emerson . M.S. , C.P.A. Ass' r Prof.lAcc' r. Budd H ebert, Ph.D. Asso. Prof.lBus. David Johnson . Ph.D. , C.P.A. Asso. Prof.lBus. Robert Kelly, Ed .D. Prof.l Bus. & Dir. In S{. Testing George Oliver, M.S.A. Asso. Prof. & Oit . Human Resources David Perkins. Ph.D., C.P.A. Asso. ProUDir. Acct. Prog. Bob Reely, Ed .D. ProUMgt. & Asso. Exec. Oir. ASI Marvin Robertson , J.D. Prof.l Bus. Gary Ross, M .S. Ass' t. Prof.lAcct. Lori Sloan, M.B.A. Ass' t. Prof.l Bus Barbara Statom, M.Ed. Prof.lBus. Edu. Steve Williams, Ph.D. Prof.lBus. Diffine Shows Another Side of His Personality Business Professor Answers Questions Concerning His "Nerdly Greenback" Character Have you ever wondered where "Nerdly Greenback - Patriot" came from?Where in the world did Dr. Don Diffine, professor of economics, come up wi th the idea fo r that wacky guy to visit campus once a year? It all began sometime in the mid-80's when Diffine was watching the Johnny Carson show. Carson performed a regular skit he called "Floyd R. Turbo - American. " Diffine found the skit so funny he made up his own version of the act. He first debuted presentacion. Diffine's performances have a new theme every year. Nerdly voices his opinion on politics, current events and holidays. Some people who know DLffine think his act is somewhat Out of character, and Diffine agrees with them. "I am avery shy, inhibited lonerofa person."Diffinesaid. "I think being "Nerdly Greenback - Patriot" comes from that. The hardest part about the act iswaiting behind the curtain for "NerdlyGreenback- Patriot" during the springsemester ofthat yearwithan act enti tled, "Candid Candidate for the Surprise Parry." "I would much my turn to go out. " "I hated waiting behind the curtain so much that now when I do thechapel presentation I do the prayer, song and devotional," he said. "It makes me feel better to have control over the time that 1have. 1would much rather be remembered by the Students for the devo than for Nerdly Greenback, but I think Nerdly is good because it lets people see another side of me." During the first chapel performancea businessman sat in the audience as a guest. He liked the ski t so much he asked Diffine to perform at a convention in Florida. Diffine, knowing he was going [0 be paid, sent in a video of his Nerdly performance to the Johnny Carson Show alongwith a letter asking permission to do the skit at the convention. Carson reviewed the tape and an assistant sent back a letter saying that Diffine had permission to do the act in Florida only. Diffine decided after his trip [0 Florida that hewanted to continue doing the skit. He contacted his attorney to research his legal rights to the acr. He was told by his attorney that he could continue [0 do the act ifhe changed rather be remembered by the Students for the devo than for N erdly Greenback, but 1 think Ne rdl y is good because it lets people see another side of me. " - Don Diffine During his chapel devotionals, Diffine says he always tries to relate the two sides of his personality. He never wanrs Nerdly to overshadow the worshiping of God. If Nerdly is talking about running for president, then his chapel talk wiU be about being a strong Christian in governmenr. In December Diffine spoke about the importance of giving in the devotional; Nerdly spoke about Christmas humor. the name and the costume he wore. Therefore, Turbo wore a red plaid outfit, Nerdly wears a green plaid outfit. When trying [0 decide a new name, Diffine said that hewanted it to be something to go alongwith his teaching job in the business department as a professo r ofeconomics - he said Nerdly was a perfect fit. Diflinethinksthestudentbodyenjoyshisperformancesbecausetheyprovide abreak from thenormal routines ofchapel. Oneofthe things he r1Unksstudents enjoy is the spoofofsome of the more notorious professors on campus. Diffine now takes the Nerdly act around to different conventions and trade show association meetings, as well as the ever popular chapel 62 Academics Diffine continues to go to conventions as "NerdlyGreenback - Parriot," most recemly in Hoc Springswherehespokeabout"Howtoconvercyour family room inra a garage. " - Meredith Hlasra