1999-2000 Yearbook

Lindsay Cunon, junior, makes a "Flat Stan ley" presentation as af!. assignment for Ch ildren's Literature taught by Dr. Betty Watson, professor of education. "Flat Stanley" is a character who is mailed to various places to have adventures and then returns to repon about them. Jennifer Wiles, junior, dresses up like "Swamp Angel," the main character of a book by the same name. Wiles' presentation was for a "book talk" required ofal l elementary education majors. - "--..... , ...... ........ -- -...-. ......... ---.......... • ~ .. '-..... -.~ " ....., ........... :- ............ -., , I . ~ '" f Photo by Mark Kinonen Rachel Myhan , se nior, observes science projects completed for Science in the Elementary School taught by Dr. Jim Johnston , associate professor of education. " The students in the class created a project and displayed it at a science fair held during class, Dec. 8. Erin Sowards. senior, conducts Spanish class at Harding Academy during her student teaching semester last fal l. The srudent teaching experience was designed for future educators to gain experience in the classroom before entering the teach ing field as professionals. 60 Academics Photo by Danic! Dubois ~ , . , Photo by Dan iel Duboi s