1999-2000 Yearbook

Jimmy Allen, HhD. Prof. Emeritus Jerry Bowling, Ph.D. Ass' t. Prof. Joe Brumfield, Ed.D. Asso. Prof.. Eddie Cloer, D.Min.P rof. Ross Cochran, Ph.D. Asso. Prof. Monte Cox, Ph .D. Ass't. Prof. Scot Crenshaw, Ph.D. Ass't Prof. Shawn Daggett, M.Th. Ass't. Prof. Tom Eddins, M.Th. Prof John Fortner, Ph.D. Asso. Prof. Gordon Hogan, Missionary in Residence Tobey Huff, D.Min. Visiting Missionary Joe Jones, M.A. Prof. Bill Lambert, Ed.D. Prof. Dale Manor, Ph .D. Asso. Prof. Ken Neller, ~h.D . Asso. Prof. Owen Olbricht, M.R.E. Missionary in Residence Paul Pollard. Ph.D. Peof. Bill Richardson, D.Min. Asso. Prof. Don Shackelford, Th.D. Prof. & DeanlInr'\ Programs Dan Stocksti1l, Ph.D. Asso. Prof. Gene Vinzant, D.Min. Ass 't. Prof. Duane Warden , Ph.D. Prof & Asso. Dean/Bible & Religion Flavil Yeakley, Ph.D. Prof. & Dir.lCtr. for Church Growth. College ofBible and Religion Begins Distance Learning Program On-Line Courses Offer Additional Opportunities for Education Each year Harding continues to expand her academic horizons, allowing more people (Q take advantage of the quali ty Christian education that is offered at the University. This year. che College of Bible and Religion began offering distance learning courses via the internet. The classes can be taken from a variety of places. The only phys ical requirements are a computer and Internet connection. In the spring semester, the program offered irs fi rst Each class is a full y-accredited, co llege-level Bible course that is listed in the regular Harding University catalog. Students who successfully complete the requirements for all the classes offered will receive a cenificate of completion. While these classes do nOt constitute the full requirements for a degree, certain classes may count toward a Bible degree from the University. "We do not want to diminish the campus populaclasses: "Life ofChrisc" caughc by Dr. Ken Nelle r and "Servam Leadership" caughc by Dr. Bill Lamberc. The classes were six weeks long and had a max imum enrollment of 15 students. C lasses were limited because of the nature of the courses and the amount of independent studywork required in the class content. "People have to feed their own tion ," Norton said. "We also do not want to take away from the Harding experience and the face-to-face interaction of the students and faculty. " soul. The distance Nonon said the distan ce learning program has several advantages, the main one bei ng that the courses can be taken from literally anywhe re in the world. Missionaries and other Christians who want to further their Biblical studies and prepare themselves for more effective ministry in their communi ty and churches have easy access to The twO classes served as a pilot study to evaluate the program. Beginning next fall, more classes will be added. EventuaJly, at least 10 other classes will be offered on-line chrough che College of Bible and Religion. learning program will give them a way to receive an enriching spiritual education. " the on-line curriculum, acco rding to Norton. The Inscicuce foc Chucch and Family (ICF) assisced me College ofBible and Religion in promocing -Dr. Howard Norton He said a second advantage is the short length and constan t availabili ty of the classes. Students can comp lete each cl ass at any time of the day or night and meet the requirements in six weeks. its distance learning endeavors. I e F was responsible for promot ing the product to potential students, according to Dr. Howard Norton , d irector of the Institute for Church and Family. Norton sa id the program was not designed for local students. Instead, it was developed to increase the number ofstudents who can have access co the quality rel igious education that Harding offe rs. "The long-term goal is [0 reach non-trad itional students who are at least 25 years old and who do nor live in easy driving distance ofthe campus ," NortOn said. 58 Academics As a result, their continued education does not interfere with other commitments such as famil y and careers. No rton said he hopes these courses will bring students of all levels of faich cogecher. "People have to feed their own soul, " Norton said. "The distance learning program will give them a way to receive an enriching spiritual education. " -Rachel Wilson