1999-2000 Yearbook

Peggy Huckeba, assistan t dean of students, meets wi th Amanda T homas, junior member of the (ICC) . Overseeing Hard ing's social d ub system was one of many jobs the student deans took on. Dr. Delores Ca rson visits Searcy Hall and offers cookies to the res idents. As Assistant Vice President for Student Services, Carson kept in d ose contact with aUaspects of student li fe. T he student deans enjoy a breakfas t with President David Burks in the StUdent center. T he deans served as a liason between the administration and students. D r. Delores Carson assists Todd Goen, freshman, with a name tag. The student deans hosted receptions in order to get aquainted wi th newfreshmen and transfer students. • ...( , - -- ,_. Daniel Dubois Terry Davis, assistant dean of students, Rich Litde, ass istam to the president , President David Bu rks and Buddy Rowan, vice president for finance, inspect senior Casey Rine's do rm room furn iture. The student deans Strove to improve the quali ty of dorm life fo r students livi ng in campus housing. 56 Academics