1999-2000 Yearbook

MEETING THE Chnllenge Although every student at Harding seeks his own personal goal and faces his own unique challenges, each of us has come to this University for the same reason. We are here to prepare for the rest of our lives; whether it be in the form of a career, a marriage or a closer walk with God, we have all come to Harding to meet the future. It is a daunting future, filled with difficult choices and disappointments. Yet Harding University's foundations of academic excellence and spritiual truth offer its students the power to meet these challenges successfully. Students find here an opportunity not only to establish ideals onwhich they can stand for the rest of their lives, but also to gain experience on which they can rely in their vocatIons. In aworld that values selfish ambition and material wealth, Harding provides students with examples of integrity, honesty and generosity. - Dwanye McDonald and DanJeune, juniors, Armand Erame, freshman, Stephanie Davis. sophomore, andJenni ferWilliams , junior, joke with each other in the parking lot afte r the fall All SportS Banquet. Many students grew close ro one anomer through participation in athletics. Dr. Dean Priest speaks during convocation , Aug. 24. The first day ofchapel was a celebration of Harding's goals for the new school year. 2 Opening .. ~