1999-2000 Yearbook

Jerome Barnes. Ed.D. Dir.lSpecial Projects Mark Benton, M.Ed. HeadmaSler/Harding Academy Nicky Boyd, Ed.D. Dir,!Walron Scholars William Bridges, B.S. Mgr.!HUB Tim Bruner, M.B.A. Ass't. VP/Advancemenr David Crouch , B.S. Dir.!Public Relations Butch Gardner, M.Ed. Dir.!Minoriry Studen t Services Greg Harnden, M.A. Athletic Director liz Howell, M .S.E. Dir.!Alumni Relations David Hurd. B.A. Dir.1TV Studio Don Kee. J.D. Un iversity Attorney Keith larey. B.S. Dir.!Human Resources Rich little, M.S.E. Ass' t. to [he Presidem lavern Richey Mgr.!Harding Press Rebecca Teague, B.S. Placement Coordi naror Vickie Waltort1:>ir.!Heri tage Inn Zea rl Watson, B.S. Dir.! Student Financial Services Mike Williams, B.B.A. Ass't VP/Admissions University Establishes Office ofMinority Student Services Gardner Named Director of Program One of the pinnacle poims on which Harding prides herself is the ethnic and cui rural diversiry of the scudem body. As a result of the multifaceted needs that this diverseness presems, the Office of Minoriry Srudem Services was established and opened this year. Burch Gardner, former assistant vice president for Scudent Services, was named Director of both the Minority Srudent Services and the Stephen's program which ministers to minority studems from the Delta region. The Stephen 's program has been recruiting and meeting the needs ofa select collection ofminoriry srudents at Harding for the past several years. During the fall semester, Harding had 249 minority srudems, nOt including international scudents. As the population of Harding continues to grow, the university has taken a broader scope tine. semor. "The committee organ izes activities ro help relieve tension and raise awareness on campus, " Valentine said. One such event was the Dialogue on Race. a forum moderated by Sierra Gary, junior. The forum was open ro {he entire student body and addressed issues that affected minorities and race relations and gave an opportuniry for the students to express their moughts and concerns. "Cultural awareness is nOt only about race but also about nationalities," said Marlon Browne, senior committee member. "We are striving to help ethnic relations nOt by force , but naturally." Fu{ure plans and activities include incorporating various forums, speakers and activities that will educate the Harding fami ly and bring more attention to the ethnic minorities. "Some barriers that exist will break down th rough education." Gardner said. to provide for the needs of more minority st udents. The Minority Student Services has twO main roles. First, it is designed to provide a suppo~t network and a conduit through which the minority scudems may express themselves and share common concerns and needs. Second, the office strives to increase culcural awareness throughom the ent ire Harding Un iversiry communiry. "We need to bring the races together before God. We can keep our divetsity, but we need to become Eventually, Gardner hopes to provide opportunities for evangelism bydevelopingstuden t campaigns through the organization. "We want to make the Minority Services an integral part of Harding," Gardner said. Gardner and {he student members of the committee have high aspirations for the future of Minority Student Services. one under God." "We want people to take it seriously," Valentine said. "We want to be a group where people can bring {heir concerns and where the faculry is more involved." Gardner saw the opportuniry last year for the development ofa new programwh ich would target the needs ofminority srudenrs origina lly from the Uni ted States . -BrianManhews He submitted a proposal to President David Burks who in rerum gave his full support to its establishmem. "My rol e, I feel, is to educate the Universiry community in cui rural diversiry and to be an ombudsman, a go-to guy. for me minority students," Gardner said. "This service strives to attend to needs and give minority srudents more individual attemion." A group ofsrudents form me Minoriry Student Act ion Committee and act as an advisory committee to Gardner. The srudents on the committee meet regularly to discuss ways to improve the culcural relations on campus. accordi ng to Vicky Valen- "I'd li ke to see Harding Un iversity become a melting pot where everyone is unified and where social interactions [among the various cultures] are improved," Browne said. Brian Marrhews, junior committee member, summed up the ultimate goal of the Minoriry Student Services. "We need to bring the races together before God, " Matthews said. "We can keep our d ivers ity but we need to become one under God. " - Rachel Wilson Adminisrrarive Directors 53