1999-2000 Yearbook

Mike Williams, assistant vice president for admissions and scudent financial services, visics \vith Amy Williamson and Elizabeth Fair, juniors, on me front lawn. Due co his position in admissions, Will iams has been inscrumental in leading countless students to Harding. Nicky Boyd, director of the Walton Scholars Program, shows Alex O rozco, freshman , where other Walton scholars live. The program, begun byWalMart founder Sam Walcon , brings Latin American students co Hard ing. - -'"'-- Pholo by Danid Dubois Butch Gardner, directo r of mino rity scudem services , prepares a gathering for the nationally declared week of dialogue on race. The office of minority scudent services was established (his year to bener serve minori ty students. Will iam Bridges, manager of the Harding Unive rsity Bookscore (HUB), completes a routine check to ensure the booksto re is in proper order. Bridges has been employed by the University si nce he graduated from Harding in 1965. He has been the manage r of the HUB since 1972. 52 Academics