1999-2000 Yearbook

Jim Carr Executive Vice President C. Floyd Daniel Senior Vice President Lott Tucker Senior Vice President Neale Pryor Vice President for Academic Affairs Buddy Rowan Vice President for Finance/ ChiefFinancial Officer Daniel Raises Support for Harding University Vice President Emphasizes Importance of Prayers, Friends The motivating forces that bring sustaining life to Harding University come in many forms. For example, scholarships, grams, loans, building proj ects and campus advancement events are funded by hundreds, even thousands of friends of the University. The man who has recruited these fri ends for (he past three decades is Floyd Daniel , Senior Vice President of Harding University. Daniel spends most ofhis time traveling around the nation meeting with families and individuals who are willing [0 give of themselves to Harding. Thus, Daniel's travels allow Harding to prosper and continue to educate and help mature its students into Christian servants. Most donors who give do nOt even know personally who theit gifts will benefit, but they believe in what we are doing here at H arding." Several fundamental differences exist between raising friends and raising funds, according to DanieL "Friends can give again and again and again. Giving is a pan ofliving and a pan of being Godly. Funds can't do anything. They are neithet good nor bad," Daniel said. "Friends can give of themselves. Giving one's self is the most imponant contribution a person can make . For 76 years, God has provided friends to perpetuate and enhance Harding University." One unique contribution came from a man who made aone million dollar pledge over a period of five years. At the end of the five years , Daniel asked the man about the pledge. "I don't take fund-raising trips," Daniel said. "I take friend-raising trips. Friends have the capaciti es to do things that funds cannot do." . On these trips, Daniel said he never sol icits from the congregations . "Friends can pray to the Father for us. If we had to choose The man thought he still owed money when, in fact, his contribution over the past five years had reached the amount of 2.1 million dollars. He had more than doubled his initial pledge of one million but was unaware because he did nOt keep track of his giving. Instead, he takes the time to visit with the people in their homes and builds relationships with them which extend beyond the financial needs of the school. After building these relationships, Daniel lays a foundation based on a common mission - to further rhe kingdom of God through conrributions, both financial and otherwise, to Harding. "People who are basically like minded for rhe goals and purposes ofthis institution are people who are friends wirh God," he said. "These people light up when work is told of Harding University. They between having no funding or having no prayer support, I would keep the prayers. Without them, HardingUniversity would not . " eXIst. -Floyd Daniel "Friends can pray to the Father for us," he said. "Ifwe had to choose between having no funding or having no prayer suppOrt, I would keep the prayers. Without them, Harding University would not exist. The gifts we receive come from God through many friends." Another example of the generosity of the friends of Harding is demonstrated through the Brackett family. Initially, the Brackens gave 1.6 million dollars to build the library. In rhe past few years, rhey have pledged 12 million additional dollars to endow its operation. want to give, nOt only with their money but also with their service and abilities. Daniel has many different stories of people who give of themselves in so many ways to Harding, yet not realizing how helpful thei r contribution really is. "They want to help tell others about what God is doing at Harding. The students represent what the people are invest ing in," he said. "They know [by cont ributing to Harding] that they are giving to eternity. 50 Academics "I get to see so many aspects ofGod through the people I work with," he said. "For this reason, I love my job." - Rachel Wilson