1999-2000 Yearbook

President David Burks visits with Steve Phill ips, President's Council member. The Council set a goal to have a membership of 1,000 couples by June 2003, [he end of the Diamond Campaign. Buddy Rowan, vice president for finance, Bob Diles and Harry Risinger, Board of Trustee members, attend a session of the Board's fall meeting. The Board met during Homecoming and Spring Sing weekends. Tim Bruner, ass istanr vice presidenr ofAdvancemenr, meets with members of rhe President's Council during Homecoming. More than 600 families make up the Council, which requires a minimum $1,000 donation to Harding. PholO by Daniel Dubois Bill C hism, Board of Trustees member, meets with members oftheStudent body to answer questions. Chism, along with several other board members, conducted the meeting during Homecoming weekend. Don Shores and Roy Sawyer, Board members, participare in meetings. The board members met several times du ring the Homecoming weekend. Board ofTrusrees, President's Council 47