1999-2000 Yearbook

Mark Smith and Nathan Mcintyre, members of Bel les and Beaux, perform for a crowd on Saturday morning of Homecoming weekend. Many of Harding's performing groups, including the Good News Singers and Pied Pipers, performed during the weekend. Runners get off to a fast starr as the Bison Stampede begins in from of me Heritage building. The 5K race is an annual event held each Homecoming weekend and is open to any Harding srudent, alumni, faculty or friend wanting to participate. Brian Bush, Student Association (S.A.) president, rides on Harvey the buffalo after a score duri ng the Homecoming foOt ball game. The S.A. brought in the live bison for the weekend to entenain Bison fans at me pep rally and foorball game. Leaping in the air, Marc Fager, wide rece iver, makes a tough catch du ring (he Homecoming game againsr East Central University. Many alumni , Students and friends of Harding were able to make the trip back to Searcy for all of the Homecoming activities, including the football game. Homecoming 37