1999-2000 Yearbook

Homecoming Class Representativesfor the Court ofRoyalty Amanda Stevens Freshman Representative HopeSmilor Sophomore Representative BridgetJohnson Junior Representative 'Seven cfJridmfor Seven cfJrothers' sweeps audiences offtheirfeet Each year homecoming weekend offers a steady stream of activities for students, faculty and returning alumni. In addition , each year the homecoming musical is a highlight of those activities. The Depanmenrs of Commun ication and Music presented Seven Brides for Seven Brothers as the 1999 Homecoming musical. The show centered around seven brothers who live by themselves in a remote area of Oregon and decide they need a woman at the house to do their cooking, cleaning and a variety oforner chores. The six younger brothers convince eldest brocher, Adam, (Tim Peli , senior) to marry Milly, (Daisha Stockstill, sophomore) a woman he meets in town. Milly returns with Adam co his primitive home co discover a houseful of ill-mannered men. Milly uses her time with the brothers to teach them the finer skills of life while showing them how co auracr wives of their own. The situation provides conflict, drama and humor throughout the show. "All in all , it was a pretty well-rounded show," Pell said. "I thought the musical was the best 1have seen since 1 have been at Harding," said Melissa Glagow, senior. "The plot was so funny it had me rolling in the aisle. The songs we re so wonderful, 1was singing them in my head for days." The caSt spem seven incense weeks preparing for the physically challenging show. "We had great coaches and direcco rs," Pell said. "They knew where they wanted the show to go." 34 Student Life The show imerspersed imricate dance numbers and stums with the musical portions of the show. Faculty members of the kines iology depanmenc volunteered their expenise in choreographing these scenes. Pel! returned to play the lead in the showafter a three year absence from Harding University productions and credits much of the success of the show co the close-knit CasL While Pel! admits returning to the stage after an extended absence was dauming, the exceBem cast and the number of other cop roles decreased his burden of carrying such a large show. "It was difficult for a while, but with the help of the brothers, the responsibili ty of being the lead lessened, " he said. The cast members who played the roles of the seven brothers spem a great deal of offstage time getting to know one another in preparation for their work in the show. According co PeB, the bonding time made the actors feel like real li fe brothers when the curtain rose. "I don ' t know ifit was cause or correlation, but we all seeme,d co fit our character's personality," Pell said. "We assumed our character on-stage and off. " Many students, faculty, alumni and members of the community loved (he show so much, they came co see it more (han once. "The show was absolutely fantast ic. The constant humor real ly helped the show movealongquickly/' said Tiffany Self, senior. "I saw (he show twice and enjoyed it just as much the second time. There was never a dull moment. " - Sarah T erry Becky Pratt Senior Representative