1999-2000 Yearbook

Photo by Mark Kinon~n Jim Baird, lectuership speaker, discusses "Post Modernism and Biblical Truth" during his lecture, Sept. 28. Several lectures were scheduled each hour [0 give participants a cho ice of classes to attend. The University Singers perform prior to the keynote speaker, Tuesday, Sept. 28. The Chorus, Concert Choir, Belles and Beaux and Good News Singers also performed at this year's Lectureship. 32 Student Life Kent Allen presents the Keynote Lec- [Ure [0 a packed Benson Auditorium during the final evening of the Lectureship, Sept. 29. Keynote lecturers included Steve Flatt, President of David Lipscomb University, Monte Cox, Bible professor, and Robert Oglesby. Ashley Burton, senior, flips through her notes during her student lecture enti tled, "Let the Beauty of Jesus be Seen in Me," Sept. 28. Burton and the other student lecturers were chosen to speak based on their spiritual leadersh ip on campus.