1999-2000 Yearbook

Impact participants Bob Moloney and friend walk to one of their energy group meetings, August 2l. Discovering the campus layout, meeting new people and moving into the dormswas just one of the challenges new students had to face. Tia Tarole, junior, carries a freshman's clothes into the dorm, August 19. From helping new students move in to serving as energy group leaders, Impact workers took on many duties in order to make the week enjoyable. Several students slip into a hypnotic state duringMark Pitman's hypmocism show, August 21. Pinman and Mark Nizer, a juggler who performed the night before, were JUSt rwo ofthe enj oyable events that took place during Student Impact. Nichele Shipp, senior, hands a schedule of events to students in the Benson Auditorium lobby during Student Impact registration, August 20. Nearly 900 freshmen and transfer students registered for the event , making this year [he largest Impact ever. Student Impact 31