Kelly Odell, senior, and Jamey Jones, sophomore, address the members ofOmega Lambda Chi during a Monday night meeti ng, January 24. The 1999-2000 school year marked (he charter of the new women's club, which had been in the works since last spring. Jeanette Wilson, Sarah Cothron , N icole Moreland, Tina Zwahr and Shannon Fonville, juniors, engage in a snowball fight in front of the construction sight of the new women's dorm. The addition of the new women's dorm, as well as a new men's, will be nvo of the many changes that Harding will experience in the new mi llennium. Sandy Sanford, senior, vis its tables at a fall graduate school fai r in [he srudenr center. The fairs assisted graduat ing sen iors in making informed decisions about conti nuing their education and planning for the future. Closing 319