MEETING THE Challenge As the past year brought amomentous change for the world with the new millennium, the students, faculty and staff of Harding worked vigorously to forge for themselves and those around them a brighter future and a better school. From the chartering ofa newwomen's social club to the creation of the College ofArt and Humanities, to the construction of the new men's and women's dormitories, Harding's campus witnessed the achievement ofcurrent goals and the formation of new ones throughout the year. It was goals such as these - made both collectively and individually - that brought texture and triumph to Harding's year, and it is our spirit of hope and earnest effort that guarantee this institution's future. Although Harding's work is never done, its constant progress and ever-rising standards will continue to lead Harding University to success. u PhQ{Q by M~fk Kinonen RoddyMote, assistant deanofstudents, chatswith LicoleWill iams, freshman, in his offi ce. Mote was appointed dean ofmen th is spring and resigned his duties as footbal l coach and instructor. Stacy Threlkeld and Sarah Shade, juniors, look at pictures and visit with Ava Conley, Spanish insrructor, outside heroffi ce. Small classroom settings and Christi an faculty members gave Hardingsrudems the opportunity to developdose relati onships with their teachers. 318 Closing