1999-2000 Yearbook

28 Pho{o by D~nid Dubois Judy Ki nonen, public relations writer, talks with Pat Lawrence, secretary. in the public relations office. In addit ion to working fuU·time for the Un iversity. Kinonen was also enrolled in several hours of classes. Cynthia Delahunt, senior, takes notes during her PrintAdvertising class. Along with a heavy class schedule, many non· craditional students held full or part· time jobs. Student Life Melissa Fail, senior, takes a minute to read through some study material due· ing a class break. With such a busy scheduJe, many nontradjtional students (Oak advantage of spare time (0 catch up on class work. Jenn ifer Hefty, sen ior, ri ngs up a customer in the Harding University BookStore. Many nontraditional students found it eas ier (0 hold jobs on campus, wh ich allowed them to work around class schedules.