1999-2000 Yearbook

Index / Friends help each othermeet daily challenges Pho'o by Mark Kinonen Most students who come to Harding their freshman year come alone. They do not have any relatives or any friends from home to spend their time with. All they really have are themselves and God. .' Above: Several students playa game ofUhimare Frisbee on the front lawn. The front lawn became a popular location for fri ends to play many different SpOrts. Left: Harding, however, provides activities at the beginning of each school year that allow opportunities for these new students to meet others and start building close friendships. Harding is known for its notorious manner of creating friendships that last a lifetime. Andrew Sisco, freshman, takes time out during the day to chat with a friend. Many students spent time conversing on the center of campus throughout the year. '/! friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. " -Proverbs 17:17 The friends that one makes while a student at Harding usually last longer than just the years spent on campus. Friendships developed at this University are built on a Christian foundation, and thus can with stand the troubling times life can throw at them. Friends help each other keep their focus on what is important and lift each other's spirits when they are down. One of the challenges of building friendships at Harding, however, is trying to keep in touch with each other after each year draws to an end. In the book of Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 17 it says, ''A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. " The purpose of friendships is to encourage and uplift. Harding friendships have a special quality that other friendships may not have. These friendships are here to stay and ready to help each other overcome whatever challenges lie ahead. No matter what the distance or what the obstacle, Harding friendships will last a lifetime. -Shauna Lee, copy editor Index 275