1999-2000 Yearbook

Lisa Abbruuese Heath Amos Shei la Bagga Patrick Bills Deborah Ann Sills Nicholas S. Boone Michelle Boozer Leigh AJyce Brannan Emily Lynn Breegle Emily Brown Kelly Suzanne Brown Matt Brown Jennifer Burton Angela Cheng Laura Elisabeth Clausen Katie Suzanne Cranford Matthew David Dabbs Heathe r Dean jackie ~Diny" Dean Cynthia L Delahun Shelly Lynn DeMent Jacqueline Marie DeSelms Wendy Lynn DeW2l1 Reh«ca Mari e Doran Amy L Dozier Cory Edwards David Anthony Ellis Brian Finrow Shalana D. Fleetwood Shannon Ltlh Fonvi lle Tifhny R. Fox Amy Jo Gable Alpha Chi inductees pursue scholarship, strive for excellence in all areas of life Pholo by Daniel D\lbois Theglow ofcand.1elight refl ects offthefaces of Cory Edwards and Amy Dozier, seniors, as they participate in theAlpha Chi Inducrion,Ocr. 24. Thecandle-lighringceremony represents the students' quest for truth, according to J.A. Wiser, senior. 272 Organizations Organization's ideals enrich lives, members say What greater gift can a person give to himself than the achievement of his perso nal goals? For the members of Al pha Chi , two main goals were to achieve eminence and scholarsh ip. Alpha Chi members were required to have at leas t a 3.85 G.P.A. for 80 hours or a 3 .75 G.P.A. for 95 hours , acco rding to Arthur Shearin , sponso r. Alpha Chi is a smaller version of Phi Beta Kappa, the honor society for univers iti es with enrollments of more than 6,000. This year, new members went through the annual formal induction ceremony, OCt. 24. The inductees panicipated in the traditi onal candl e lighting as a symbol of their continued goal of excellence and honor, accord ing to l .A. W iser, senior. "The candle's light sign ifies the quest fo r truth ," Wiser said. "This quest is a journeywhich each member will continue throughout his or her life." Along with a symboli c candlelighting ceremony, the inductees recited a pledge that described their commitment to the high standards se t forth by the Alpha Chi society. "The pledge is a statement of how we should strive for excellence in all endeavors of life," Whimey Long, senior, said. "In fact, you could say the ideals of Alpha Chi are the same as that of all Christians." In the spring, Alpha Chi members attended the regional conference in San Antonio, Texas. The conven tion brought Alpha Chi sponsors and studencs together from all over the nation to meet with fellow honor soc iety members. "The conferences usually consist of distinguished speakers and schol arl y presentat ions by the members themse lves," Shea rin said . "I t 's a good experi ence for all those invo lved. " Aside from the conventi ons and activities hosted by the honor society, the members of Alpha Chi continue to stress and strive for achievement in all areas of thei r lives. While their standards were set hi gh and their goals were se t even higher, the members of Alpha Chi brought honor to themselves and the University th rough hard wo rk and dedi cation . - Bryan Jobe